Labor Day Gift Boxes to Show Gratitude to Your Employees 

Every single Labor Day gift box by Kadoo is created with care and thoughtfulness in mind. We focus only on top-tier products to make your gifts fun, useful, and impressive. Along with that, we are committed to making gift-giving rituals friendly for the environment.

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Back to School Gifts Ideas for High Schoolers and College Students

A new school year is already around the corner. Soon your loved ones will make their way back to the classroom and have their nose to the grindstone. And if it's their first year in college, seeing them fly the nest can be exciting and poignant at the same time. Either way, you can make this moment a thing to remember. With back to school gifts carefully selected by KADOO, you will help making their journey of knowledge to succeed.

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Wedding Gift Ideas to Appreciate The Couple, Guests, and Everyone Involved

Weddings celebrate the union of two loving hearts. How can we mark this heartfelt occasion without meticulously chosen wedding gifts? They are a manifestation of how well you know the newlyweds, how much you love and appreciate them. But this remarkable day isn’t only about the two in love. Guests, bridesmaids, and groomsmen deserve a little token of gratitude, too. Below, are some wedding gift ideas to help make this romantic event unforgettable for everyone involved.

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Father’s Day Gift Boxes for the Coolest Dads in the World

A father is someone you’ve always looked up to. He was there when you made your first steps. He taught you (or at least tried to) all the things that every self-respecting kid should know – ride a bike, swim in a pool, climb trees. He probably gave you your first driving lesson. Your dad may not look or sound like the coolest person in the world but to you, he is.

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A Simple Guide to Corporate Gifting

Not many people know this, but corporate gifts are a powerful marketing tool capable of strengthening relationships with a recipient, whether it is a business partner, a client, prospect, or employee. A gift is a kind of gratitude for fruitful cooperation. It is also a manifestation of your care for those who have chosen your company and remained loyal to it. The right corporate gift can say a lot about your company and your attitude towards people who work or do business with it.

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