KADOO Loyalty Program

kadoo chest box


Become a member of the KADOO Chest Box loyalty program to earn store credits while you shop, enjoy promotional discounts, and unlock access to exclusive members-only perks. As a valued member, you'll be one step closer to earning exclusive rewards with every purchase.

join now

how to earn points

Earning your loyalty point is easy!

join us

Sign up today and start earning credit.
Do you know that you can receive $5 store credit just by opening an account?

earn credits

Earn store credit/points, everytime you buy KADOO gift. $10 store credit for every $375 total spent in lifetime purchase.


Redeem your credit during check out and save. Store credits can not be combined with current store promotions.

redeem your store credit

Redeeming your points is easy. Simply shop, add to cart and apply your code at the checkout.

login to my account

Bulk orderding

Use our "ship to multiple addresses" feature in checkout.

fast shipping + Worldwide

Our gift ships within 1-2 business days. Ship anywhere, contact us 
for international shipment.

human support

No one likes to talk with a robot. Call us at 646-389-3551 or email us at hello@kadoonyc.com

buy a box, plant a tree

Everytime you make a purchase, you contribute one tree to reforestation.